
Exfoliation & Body Scrub

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Body Exfoliation Pricing

Bella's Body Scrub

Includes pressure point massage whilst cocooned in your mask.

Just like a face mask a body mask detoxifies and firms your skin by drawing out impurities and absorbing excess oil It is generously applied all over your body and you are wrapped in a cocooning sheet which raises your body temperature, which in turn boosts circulation, opens pores and helps the mask to better absorb into the skin all whilst you relax with quiet music and candlelight. A refreshing shower finishes off this lovely treatment. Your mask can be customised to your skin concerns and can be used to reduce the appearance of cellulite, boost the lymphatic system and metabolism, aid in repairing sun damage and reducing the signs of aging.

Bella's Body Mask and Wrap


Exfoliation Scrubs

Bella’s exfoliation treatments range from a detoxifying back treatment to treat acne and congestion through to a full body exfoliation, mask and wrap treatment to purify the skin and stimulate the lymph system.  Designed to dramatically soften and refine skin texture and slough away surface impurities and dead skin cells.  The perfect treatment before a special event or as part of your regular skin care regime.


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All skin types. Anyone looking to soften and refine their skin texture and remove dead skin cells and impurities from the skin.

Begin this treatment with a full body dry brushing treatment to stimulate the lymph system. You will then be treated to a full body exfoliation which is removed with hot towels. We will then cover your body in a mask which detoxifies and firms your skin by drawing out impurities and absorbing excess oil.  It is generously applied all over your body and you are wrapped in a cocooning sheet which raises your temperature, which in turn boosts circulation, opens pores and helps the mask to better absorb into the skin, all whilst you relax with quiet music and candlelight. You will then take a refreshing shower before an application of nourishing moisturiser finishes off this lovely treatment. Your mask is customised to your skin concerns and can be used to reduce the appearance of cellulite, boost the lymphatic system and metabolism, aid in repairing sun damage and reducing the signs of aging.

It is important to avoid sun exposure before 7 days prior to your treatment to gain the best possible results.
Please arrive 10 – 15 minutes before your treatment time.

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